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Still-life painting
  • Still-life painting
  • Still-life painting

Still-life painting

VAT Included
  • Oil painting course for participants with previous experience
  • Creating the color palette
  • Learning to paint different surfaces and textures
  • High chroma and dead palette
  • Do you already have experience in painting with oil paints (basic knowledge of working with materials is a prerequisite) and would now like to expand your skills? Then this workshop will be just right for you. This is also a good way for participants in the basic oil painting workshop to expand their knowledge.

    In this workshop you will learn about different color palettes. You've probably heard the term triads before. This means painting with a reduced palette, in this case with only 3 colors plus black and white.

    In the first still life, you first work with an old-masterly palette, a so-called dead palette. As a contrast, in another still life you will paint with a more contemporary palette - we are talking about High Chroma here. We will examine the potential of both palettes and also discuss additive vs. subtractive color mixing.

    In this workshop you will gain a very good understanding of how to create different color palettes, which will help you to take your oil paintings to a higher visual level. For the still lifes, it is best to use objects that you have always wanted to paint. A composition always tells a story and makes a work of art even more interesting. We therefore recommend that you think about possible objects before the workshop begins. But don't stress if this becomes too much for you, beautiful compositions can also be created with simple things such as fruit, flowers etc.

    In diesem Workshop wirst du ein sehr gutes Verständnis zum Anlegen unterschiedlicher Farbpaletten bekommen, was dir helfen wird deine Ölgemälde auf ein optisch höheres Level zu heben. Für die Stillleben verwendest du am besten Objekte, die du schon immer einmal malen wolltest. Eine Komposition erzählt immer eine Geschichte und macht ein Kunstwerk dadurch noch interessanter. Daher empfehlen wir dir bereits vor Workshopbeginn über mögliche Objekte nachzudenken. Aber nur kein Stress wenn dir das zu viel wird, schöne Kompositionen kann man auch mit einfachen Dingen wie Früchten, Blumen etc. gestalten. 

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